Slovakia - MESRS


The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (“Ministry): 

  • create conditions for the development of science and technology, is responsible for cost-effective utilisation of the state budget funds spent on science and technology and coordinate the activity of central bodies, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and universities in the preparation and implementation of the State Science and Technology Policy, except for the research and development focused on ensuring state security and defence,
  • is responsible for creating conditions for carrying out research and development by creating coordination, legislative and financial tools in the area of science and technology and international scientific-technical cooperation,
  • develop, update and after discussion submit to the Government for approval
    • the draft long-term objectives of State Science and Technology Policy, 
    • the National Science and Technology Development Programmes, any changes thereof,  and its periodical progress evaluations,
    • the draft State Research and Development Programmes and State Research and Development Infrastructure Development Programmes as parts of the National Science and Technology Development Programme,
  • at the advice of the Research and Development Support Agency Board, approve the budget of the Research and Development Support Agency, including its appropriations for individual discipline groups, on programmes of the Research and Development Support Agency and the activities within the international scientific-technical cooperation,
  • develop and after discussion submit to the Government proposals for membership of the Slovak Republic in international research and development centres and coordinate participation in these centres as well as participation of the Slovak Republic in international research and development programmes, Community programmes and initiatives of the European Union in the area of research and development and coordinate and evaluate participation in these programmes and initiatives. 

The Ministry carries out its policy in accordance with the goals of “Long-term Plan of the National Science and Technology Policy by the Year 2015” which was approved by the Slovak Government in 2007. This basic document for S&T field consists of thematic R&D priorities and one of them is “Energy and energetics”. One aim of this thematic priority is to develop research and development in the geothermal energy sources and their exploitation.

R&D in the field of renewable energy is very important and at the same time particular R&D topic so implementation of support in this field has been ensured by force of Operational Programme “Research and Development” from EU structural funds since 2009.

Lead person
Dr. Marta Cimbáková- Director of Division of S&T Policy.
Project manager is Mgr. Danica Hudakova that works as a Chief State Counselor in the National and European Science and Technology Policy Department, Division of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic.
Project professional supervisor is Dipl. Ing. Igor Kocis, representative of the Slovak Republic in Renewable Heating and Cooling European Technology Platform (RHC-ETP), representative of the Slovak national Technology platform for geothermal energy geoEnergia and head of the research organization Geothermal Anywhere that develops new technologies in geothermal drilling.
