The Geothermal ERA-NET focuses on the utilization of geothermal energy applications that involve direct heating and power generation, thus medium-high enthalpy resources and reserves.
To ensure appropriate linkages to related R&D activities (renewable heating and cooling via ground storage heat pumps, power distribution and transmission) the interface with related ERA-NETs objectives such as ERACOBUILD or SmartGrids will be maintained to avoid overlap. The Geothermal ERA-NET will address technical and non-technical (institutional, social and regulatory) issues, as long as they can be considered to be exclusively applied to the support of geothermal energy utilization.
A significant target is to complement the EERA Joint Programme on Geothermal Energy, whose aim is to contribute via research and development to the renewable energy targets for 2020 and beyond, in member and associated states. Coordination activities will focus on implementation of commonly agreed objectives and joint activities and funding of joint transnational research actions.
- To deepen the cooperation on national and administrative level
- Be an enabler for the integration of national research
- Development of agendas into a coherent European geothermal R&D programme