
The overall objective is the mutual opening up of national research programmes and research infrastructures, and the development of joint activities.

 To reach this target, the detailed objectives that will direct this Geothermal ERA-NET are aimed to:

  • Exchange information on the status of geothermal energy, including national support schemes and RD&D activities and identification gaps.
  • Recommend measures to strengthen European geothermal development in order to meet short-term targets according to National Renewable Energy Action Plans and future contributions to renewable energy supply.
  • Foster synergies at regional and pan-European level by mobilizing competitive and non-competitive funds for research in a more coordinated way through joint activities.
  • Achieve a critical mass to address cross-thematic research targets, thus enhancing cooperation and avoiding fragmentation..
  • Define possible schemes and barriers for the joint activities and recommend practical solutions.
  • Prepare and execute transnational funding activities, required agreements on themes of the planned projects and on all implementation and administrative issues concerned.
  • Complete the preliminary work required to create a European Geothermal Database whose purpose is to share information on legal and regulatory aspects, policies, measures, institutions, research projects and data.
  • Increase transnational collaboration in research training and mobility in geothermal research, improving human capacity building, by sharing of best practices, gap analysis and improve science development and collaboration.
  • Gain a clear understanding of the principal stakeholders for a successful, Europe-wide coordination of publicly funded, national research, development, deployment and innovation programmes.
  • Communicate with principal stakeholders and enhance public awareness toward the values and benefits of geothermal scientific and policy issues.
  • Prepare the ground for the future formulation of a common European roadmap for geothermal energy technology research, development, deployment and innovation programme.