

The Consortium represents National and Regional programmes from 10 European countries, giving the Geothermal ERA-NET the critical mass required for successful operations. All members have assigned senior staff to this ERA-NET and most of the representatives from the different partners have beyond their responsibilities for the home front programmes experience in international cooperation and ERA-NET's in particular.

 The geographical balance of the Geothermal ERA NET is quite good, stretching from the far North-West of Iceland down to the far South East of Turkey. It would however improve the impact of this ERA-NET if more National and Regional programmes would join it. Hence, expanding the consortium is an important task. Within WP1 and with the assistance of the Project Supervisory Board the outreach strategy will be designed and we expect at least 2-3 extra programmes to join within the first year.

List of partners:

  1. Iceland - OS (Orkustofnun) (Coordinator)
  2. The Netherlands - RVO NL (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)
  3. Switzerland – SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
  4. Italy – CNR (The National Research Council of Italy) 
  5. Germany – Jülich (Project Management Jülich)
  6. France - ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management), BRGM as third party of ADEME
  7. Iceland - RANNIS (Icelandic Centre for Research )
  8. Turkey - TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey )
  9. Slovakia  MESRS (Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic)
  10. Hungary – MFGI (Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute)
  11. Slovenia - GeoZS (Geological Survey of Slovenia)
  12. Portugal, Azores - EDA (Azores Electricity (EDA – Electricidade dos Açores)