Iceland - OS & RANNIS


The National Energy Authority (OS)

The National Energy Authority (OS) is a government agency under the Ministry of Industry and Innovation. Its main responsibilities have been to advise the Government of Iceland on energy issues and related topics, promote energy research and administrate development and exploitation of the energy resources.

The main roles of the National Energy Authority are:

  • To advise the Government on energy issues and other resource issues that the Authority is responsible for according to legislation and to give the authorities consultations and reviews of these matters.
  • To carry out research on energy in Iceland, the energy resources, on-land and off-shore, and on other mineral and water resources in order to facilitate their quantification and to give consulting services to the authorities on sensible and economical development of the resources.
  • To gather data on energy resources and other mineral and water resources, their utilisation and the energy utilisation of Iceland, to preserve the data and to disseminate the information to the authorities and the public.
  • To prepare long-term plans on the energy utilisation of Iceland and the development of energy resources and other mineral and water resources, on-land and off-shore.
  • To facilitate the cooperation of parties that conduct energy research and the coordination of the research projects.
  • To administer the National Energy Fund.
  • To grant licenses on behalf of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, as well as monitoring the implementation of issued licenses.
  • Administers the Energy Fund.
  • Operates the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) under a special agreement with the United Nations University.

The UNU Geothermal Training Programme is a separate unit of the NEA, training candidates from developing countries in geothermal sciences.

Lead person:
Dr. Gudni A. Jóhannesson is since January 2008 the Director General of The National Energy Authority of Iceland which is responsible for R&D, licensing, monitoring and regulating the utilization of geothermal and hydropower energy in Iceland.


The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)

The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) reports to the Ministry of Education and Science and has a central role in the implementation of national research and technology policy. RANNIS manages the country‘s two largest competitive funds, the Research Fund, which has a focus on basic research, and the Technology Development Fund, which focuses on applied research. Both provide funding to geothermal related research activities. RANNIS, furthermore, operates a strategic research programme for Centres of Excellence and Research Clusters, which among others supports the GERORG Geothermal Research Group. RANNIS also provides funding for research training and mobility through the Research Fund and the Graduate Education Fund.

RANNIS coordinates Iceland‘s participation in the 7th Framework Programme and other international collaboration. It has participated in several ERA-Nets, including EraSME, CORNET, SEAS-ERA, HERA, EuroNanoMed, Norface and Matera and supported a number of transnational research project on this basis.

Lead person:
Mr. Sigurdur Björnsson- Head of Innovation and Development at the Division of Science and Innovation. Responsibilities include; run the Technology Development Fund supervisor of the Strategic Research Programme 2009-2015 PC member of ICTI Horizon 2020 Programme taking part in international projects, such as MariFish, Safefoodera, Matera and SEAS-ERA European networks. 

Other persons involved in the work Mr. Björn Víkingur Ágústsson- Senior Adviser in the Division for Science and Innovation
