Useful Links
Followup on partners work
The target of different tasks within Geothermal ERA NET is to increase the share of potential geothermal energy users - primarily international operators, and surveyors - within European bodies. Below presented a map of links, where geothermal information are provided at national level.
International Organizations
- IEA - International Energy Agency
- IPGT Steering Group
- IGA - International Geothermal Association
- EGEC Geothermal
- WEC - World Energy Council
- EDIN - Energy Development in Island Nations
- NEF - National Energy Foundation
Multinational Energy Statistics Data Collection
Governmental Institutions
- France:
- Germany
- Iceland
- Italy
- The Netherlands
- Slovakia
- Switzerland
- Turkey
National Web Portals and Information Systems
- France
- Germany
- Iceland
- Italy
- The Netherlands
- Slovakia
- Switzerland
- Turkey
Multinational Web Portals and information Systems
Internationally Founded Projects-Geothermal
Other Links
- Energy Strategy for Europe
- The gateway to European research and development
- European Energy Research Alliance, Joint Programme on Geothermal Energy
- INSPIRE - Infrastructure for spatial information in Europe
- Geothermal Resources Council (GRC)
- Nordic Energy Research (NER)
- United Nations University (UNU)
- GEORG - Geothermal Research Group